Monday, December 3, 2007

World Cup and other news

The World Cup for both skeleton and bobsled is in Park City as of today. I was up there after work forerunning for the bobsleds with Brad Stewart. Forerunning is just as it sounds. It is the practice of sending a few sleds down the hill in advance of the competitors to discover issues with the track. It constitutes precious ice time for me. I haven't been sliding since sometime last week, and I am feeling a anxious about getting runners selected for Cesana. I will be lucky to get another four runs before leaving because of the busy track schedule. It is worth mentioning that the track was prepped in a way that I have never experienced. Almost like a different track. It seemed much swoopier (great word) than usual, and yet forgiving. I really had fun. I would have had ice on Friday, but there was a freak accident on the track just before our training session.

In other news, I feel like there is not enough time in the day to accomplish all that I set out to do. This is not an uncommon sentiment, but it is especially true in the winter. I feel scattered and often wonder what I have overlooked. I have been trying to get information such as track notes, ice schedule, legality of equipment, etc from USBSF staff. No luck. The best help for Cesana has come from Peter van Wees of the Netherlands and Emma Lincoln Smith of Australia. Thanks!

After sliding this evening, I went to get some work done on a tissue buildup around my hip bones. I traumatized the areas in October by sliding on a too-tight saddle. Bumping into walls didn't help any either. Randy Parker fixed the saddle on my sled when I came back to Salt Lake City, but the damage had already been done. I am hoping to minimize it before Cesana as I expect to induce some more trauma there. Speaking of "Trauma in Cesana," apparently only one person busted his collar out there. That's reassuring!

1 comment:

Half Nut said...


I love that you added the videos. Hope things are going well for you.
We'll keep the lights on for you.
